I am SO EXCITED to share this session on the blog today! This was my first time (and hopefully not only time ;) ) photographing a session at Root + Bloom in Renfrew, PA - a florist who has opened her garden for photo sessions! It was such a treat to photograph Samantha’s photos here and to flex my creative muscles at a new location.

Meet Samantha! She is a senior graduating with the class of 2025 from Mars High School. She really wanted summery, flower filled photos for her session. Her mom had the amazing idea to book this location for her session!

Rachelle from Root + Bloom is an incredible florist who has a flower oasis right in her backyard! To those who may be wondering... yes, you can book a photo session on her property! I'll link to her website below in case you are interested!

But back to our senior, Samantha! Samantha is a dancer and hopes to study biology, then go on to PA school. She has a fun and bubbly personality, which was so much fun to capture in her photos!

In addition to using her beautiful garden, Rachelle also made a bouquet for us to incorporate into Samantha’s session.

Congratulations on your senior year, Samantha!
