The night of Sloane’s session was a gamble in terms of weather... we moved her session up a bit in the evening with hopes that we would avoid the pending rainy forecast. And thankfully... not only did it not rain, but we also had absolutely beautiful light for the entire session!

Sloane is an incoming senior with the Class of 2025! She plays lacrosse and loves ice cream 🍦 and her dog! Who she brought with her to her session. Beau was such a good boy and cooperated so well!

Sloane is a hard worker and a sweet soul with great outfit choices... her maxi dress is from @altardstate and her hair is by the fantastic @drybarshopsus !

And I'm sure if you've been following me for any amount of time, I probably don't have to tell you what location these were taken at 😉 (One that I semi-jokingly refer to as my "second home" during photo season!)

Congratulations Sloane on your upcoming senior year!!
