I hope you get a feel for how fun these two are from this blog post… this surprise Pittsburgh proposal was an absolute BLAST to photograph!

Alec had been planning to surprise his girlfriend, Sri, with a marriage proposal during their trip to Pittsburgh (where they both went to college and both had met!). He chose Phipp’s Conservatory as his venue – specifically the Broderie Room (which you can rent out!). This is one of my all time favorite locations for proposals. It’s beautiful, there’s no need to worry about the weather (since it’s indoors and covered!), it has ample natural light, it’s private… there are so many reasons to love it! In fact, this was my fifth Phipp’s proposal this year. And I have loved every single one of them!

But back to Alec & Sri! The staff at Phipp’s was so good at keeping the proposal a surprise. Alec led Sri into the Broderie Room by the hand as I peeked around the corner, waiting for Sri’s back to be towards me so I could sneak into the room. I hid behind a large well and waited for the big moment… for Alec to get on one knee! Once Sri figured out what was going on, she had the biggest smile on her face, and it never left! She was completely taken off guard, which made the moment all the more special.

After the proposal itself, Alec & Sri took a few minutes by themselves to soak in the moment! Then, we took 15 minutes to get some portraits of the two of them to commemorate the occasion.

And even though it was absolutely sweltering in that humid room, they both handled it like absolute champs… and I’m so excited about the images we got for them to cherish from this special moment!

Congratulations on your engagement, Sri & Alec! It was such a pleasure to get to capture this moment for you!

Looking for information about how to reserve the Broderie Room for a Phipp’s Conservatory proposal? Click here for more info for how to get in contact with them!
