August 2022 was a month FULL of senior sessions (which just so happen to be my favorite!). And out of all of the sessions I photographed, about 75% of them took place at one of my favorite locations… Hartwood Acres Mansion! Which, you probably know by now, is one of my favorite spots!
And one of the lovely seniors graduating with the class of 2023 who I had the privilege of photographing there was the sweet Sreyashi! She came SO prepared with three gorgeous outfits and so much joy!
Sreyashi is a Pine Richland senior who is involved in many extracurricular activities - including dance (note the pointe shoes we incorporated into some of her photos!) and speech & debate!
One of my favorite conversations I had with Sreyashi during her session was about her involvement in her school’s speech and debate. I am not a huge fan of public speaking, so I was curious if she had sought out an opportunity to be a part of the program because she enjoyed speaking in front of people. When I asked her about this, she told me that while she didn’t like it at first, after being involved on her speech and debate team for a little while, she learned to love it. And that is a simple, yet profound lesson that spoke right to my heart!
Sreyashi, congratulations on your senior year, and thank you so much for the honor of taking these photos for you & your sweet family!