What a beautiful year FILLED with amazing couples it has been! These highlight posts are always some of my personal favorite blog posts from the entire year, because I get to see not only all of the beautiful couples I’ve worked with, but also because I get to see highlights from my full body of work throughout the year – that in itself is so rewarding!

It’s hard to believe that I photographed my first wedding 10 years ago this year… so much has changed since 2012! At the time, I never thought that photography was something I would do full time. In fact, I was pursuing two degrees at the time in Graphic Design & Web Design, and was using any photo gigs I booked as a means to pay for them! I am so grateful that God has allowed my business to grow to the point of being able to support my family as my full time job. It is a blessing to get to serve so many people and explore so many beautiful places – and to get to work for myself!

Today, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite photos from my 2022 weddings and engagements. Some might seem like obvious favorites (because they’re of beautiful people or details, or technically beautiful!), but some are my favorites simply because of the emotion they show, and others because of what I had to overcome technically to make the shot happen. Weddings can be quite unpredictable, and often put photographers in situations where they need to make “magic” happen out of less than ideal lighting and timing situations (among other hurdles!). While that part of the job can often be stressful (especially when someone’s memories of the best day of their life are on the line!), that pressure has also given me the opportunity to produce work that I am proud to share with my clients!

So, without further ado – here are some highlights from 2022!
