Meet Alexis! She is a part of the class of 2023 - she's a tap dancer, cookie dough ice cream lover, and was a joy to photograph on a beautiful early fall night at Hartwood Acres Mansion!

On the way to her session, it started raining - and I could hardly believe it, as I had checked the weather forecast just that afternoon and had seen no chance of rain! When we arrived to the mansion, it was pouring and looked like it was going to rain all the way until sunset - but we decided to wait 20 minutes to see if the weather would lighten up. And thankfully... it DID! AND we were able to shoot for her full 90 minute timeframe, which was such a blessing. It always amazes me how fast Pittsburgh weather can change! A huge thanks to Alexis and her parents for being willing to give it a shot… you never know what might happen!

For her session, Alexis brought a few bouquets of fresh flowers to incorporate into her photos… which I LOVED! Fresh flowers add some vibrancy and life to images, so I always love when seniors bring them. They’re such an easy prop to incorporate!

Congratulations, Alexis, on your senior year!
