Ohhhhh snow. As Pittsburghers, we have a love-hate relationship with it (and that spectrum of love/hate varies widely from person to person!), but this year, I (personally) found myself missing the snow for the first year in a while! Usually, by the time mid-February rolls around, I’m more than ready for it to be over - but, before Sarah and Derek’s shoot, I had only had one snowy session this year and was craving more!
Ironically enough, what initially kept Sarah, Derek and I from our first planned meeting was a crazy snow and ice storm a few months back - the roads were so bad that one of the roads I live on completely shut down, and it took me 2 hours to move 1.5 miles! Thankfully, these two were so gracious, and we planned to meet a few weeks later (fortunately, there was no snow this time around 😉)
For their engagement session, though, we were hoping and praying for some beautiful snow! Oddly enough, we didn’t see much snow in the month leading up to their session, and I was a little concerned that we weren’t going to have any snow to work with come February. All we had really been getting was LOTS of precipitation that was just warm enough to not be snow - ick!
But then, we had the most beautiful snow storm the day before their session - just in the nick of time! And then - on top of that - when we showed up the day of their session, it was lightly snowing. And it lightly snowed for almost their ENTIRE 90 minute engagement session! I’m not sure we could have planned it any better if we had tried - but it all ended up working out exactly how we had hoped!!!
But, enough about the weather - what you really need to know after reading this blog post is how absolutely INCREDIBLE these two are! So here’s a little more about them: Sarah and Derek met on Twitter and connected over a mutual love for math. At the time, Sarah was considering going for her PhD in mathematical studies, and Derek was(is) working towards his! He offered to give her an insight into the process, and, well - now they’re engaged to be married! They have a puppy named Louisa, share a mutual love for Qdoba (over Chipotle and Moe’s!), and - maybe one of my favorite fun facts - their wedding date was chosen specifically for its mathematical reference to the Fibonacci Sequence! I mean, come on - aren’t these two just the cutest?!
Their engagement session was nothing short of easy, breezy, and way too much fun! I could photograph these two every weekend, and I’m already counting down the months until I get to photograph them again! Congratulations, Sarah and Derek - you two are just such a blessing to work with! I am so thankful for you!!! 💛