Wow… what a year! 2020 will certainly be one for the books.
At the beginning of this year, all of us were unsure of many things. I, for one, was completely unsure of how wedding season (and portrait season!) would shake out. I had so many couples (for good reason!) postpone their wedding days in the spring and early summer, and I wondered if I would if I would have any clients at all. Would people be too nervous to go outside to have their photos taken? Would there be any sense of normalcy late summer/early fall when it came to events? Would I need to get another full time job?!
In all of the uncertainty, I was reminded of the incredible, unsuspecting ways that God provides. And provide he did! From random part-time jobs to an increase in senior sessions, God truly provided for every need - and gave me many, MANY opportunities to continue doing what I love, even in the midst of a pandemic.
This year, I got to photograph 13 AMAZING wedding days, and over 70 portrait sessions. I was able to start a little Etsy shop that I’ve been dreaming up over the past year (Beyond the Boardwalk), take on a few graphic design projects (which is what my degree is in!), and dove a little bit into the world of thrifting through Mercari and Poshmark (which I love!).
More than anything, this year, I learned the value of being truly grateful for every. single. thing. that God provides for me. We’re easily tempted to compare and wallow when we are not grateful, but when we see the continual goodness of God within every opportunity and praise him for it (something I am quite imperfect at), we live in a renewed perspective - and a much better one, at that!
To every couple, senior, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, baby, and fetus who gave me the joy of photographing them during this strange year - thank you. Your support, your encouragement, and your love mean the world to me! I am so thankful for you!
For more Behind the Scenes content: 2017 / 2018 / 2019