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Our First Family Photos


Our First Family Photos

Friends, today I’m sharing a personal post featuring some of my favorite photos from OUR first photo session as a family! 🙌

These photos were taken by the incredibly talented Taylor Elizabeth Photography in our own home when our little Lucy was just over a week old. Originally, I didn’t think much about newborn photos prior to Lucy being born. Even as I neared the 39 week mark of pregnancy, I still felt like I had soooo much time - especially as a first time mom! Everyone had told me that more than likely, she would come late. But Lucy had other plans… at my 39 week appointment, the doctor discovered that my water had broke and sent us straight to the hospital! Lucy was born the next day.

Fast forward through our hospital stay and our first few days at home. We were all adjusting to a new normal, and I had been put on bed rest for a few days due to some complications. And then it dawned on me… I hadn’t given any thought to photos of Lucy as a newborn! Of course, that brought a wave of emotion and I knew that we had to do SOMETHING to document this new season. So in the midst of that panic… I decided I would take some photos myself.

And well, what I failed to realize (which was the obvious thing) was that it’s pretty hard to take photos of your own family if you’re the mom that needs to be in the photos. DUH.

So I immediately contacted Taylor! Taylor is a sweet friend who I’ve had the privilege of getting to know and work with over the last several years. I’ve had the pleasure of photographing her and her now husband (then fiance!) while they were engaged, and we both have little girls that are just months apart! Taylor has also photographed several weddings with me and is always a joy (and encouragement) to spend time with! So she was our top choice for taking these photos for us. And thankfully… she was free and able to fit us in relatively quickly! 🙌 (If you’re reading this, Taylor, thank you SO MUCH again!!!)

It had been 6 years since Nick and I had a professional photos taken, and even as photographers, we were both a little nervous! Especially since we had to pull together our outfits and get our house photo ready within just a few days. That is no small feat while you’re on bedrest and have a newborn! But somehow, we were able to pull it off (thanks to Nick and our families!), and of course, thanks to Taylor who did the most amazing job!

Even though I was nervous about how I would feel seeing myself in photos postpartum, I am so thankful that we decided to have these photos taken. They are so precious to me… and I know we will cherish them forever!

Taylor, thank you so much again for these beautiful photos. We are so thankful for you!

And without further ado.. enjoy some of our favorite photos from our first photo session as a family!


Christmas Themed Baby Shower


Christmas Themed Baby Shower

I’m so excited to share some photos featuring some of the beautiful details from my Christmas themed baby shower! (Of course, I had to bring my camera to photograph all of the beautiful details!)

My mom and mother-in-law graciously threw us a baby shower to celebrate the pending arrival of our baby, Lucy Mae. Because I am due mid-January (and because the fall timeframe is so busy with photo season!), we thought it might be fun to have a Christmas shower in early December. And it was such a sweet time!

The shower took place at the Harmony Opera House above Wunderbar in Historic Harmony, PA.

My mom was the creative force behind all of the details and signage, and it all turned out so beautifully! I am so grateful. Some of my favorite details were: Rapunzel themed cupcakes made by a friend (featuring her tower from Tangled!), a hot chocolate bar, opening gifts while sitting in the rocking chair that my mother-in-law rocked my husband in when he was a baby, and getting to have my husband there for the entirety of the shower! It was so special that he was able to enjoy the whole day, too. Lucy is just as much his kid as mine! ;)

A HUGE thank you again for our moms for throwing such a beautiful shower. We are so thankful, and Lucy is so blessed!


How I Navigated Pregnancy as a Wedding Photographer


How I Navigated Pregnancy as a Wedding Photographer

2022 was a unique year for me as a wedding photographer and business owner, because I was pregnant for the first time, ever! There were lots of unknowns and some learning curves, but thankfully, I was able to make it through photographing 12 wedding days (and many portrait sessions!) while pregnant. Granted, that may not be as many as other photographers, but it still was enough to make me a little nervous going into wedding season!

Looking back on this season, I would love to share some tips and thoughts as I look back over the past several months that were helpful for me while navigating wedding season while pregnant.

First, I’d love to share some general things I implemented that ended up being helpful throughout my season!

1.     I let my wedding couples know I was pregnant before I announced it publicly.

Sharing about your pregnancy is a very personal thing. I went back and forth on whether or not to share the good news with my couples individually once I was in my second trimester, but looking back, I am SO glad I did. Sharing the news with my couples allowed us to be on the same page and left space for open communication. I didn’t want to announce my pregnancy on social media, then have them wonder how the pregnancy could affect their wedding day. For me, it was important to answer the major questions up front (the biggest being if anything with the pregnancy, like my due date, could affect their day), and then to keep the door open to discuss any questions or concerns they might have. Wedding photography is an investment, and I wanted them to be confident that I would still be able to fulfill my obligations to them just the same!

Another perk of letting my couples know I was pregnant was not having to explain certain things on a wedding day. For example – I had more frequent bathroom trips, which never interrupted the flow of the day, but my couples were understanding when I needed to take a quick detour to the restroom. All of my couples were incredibly kind about letting me sit down to eat dinner during the reception, and there were a few times during longer receptions where I sat down while taking photos of the dance floor action. I never felt like I needed to explain why I was making those choices to my couples, which helped me feel better about photographing their day while pregnant!

2.     I had a strong & consistent assistant/second shooter come with me to every wedding.

My husband photographed about 60-70% of my weddings with me prior to me becoming pregnant, so after we found out I was pregnant, we talked about him committing to helping me with all of my weddings for the 2022 photo season. Thankfully, I had already decided that I was going to take a few less in 2022, so even with his full time job, he was able to help me with all of the weddings I had scheduled. This did a couple of things for me: it helped me know, without a doubt, that I had someone I could rely on to help me with anything and everything. All of the other second photographers I have ever hired to help me with a wedding have been fantastic – wonderful shooters who are incredibly helpful – but there’s something about having your spouse there to help you in any situation that feels different. Nick was able to carry lots of our gear, knew how to set up our lighting for receptions, and knows how to support me emotionally on a wedding day (it’s so fun, but can be stressful at times!), so for me, it was huge to have him there consistently throughout my full wedding season, and took some tasks I was used to doing off of my plate.

If I felt the need, I was also open to bringing along someone towards the end of the wedding season (when I was way more pregnant!) to help and be with me for the entire wedding day (since Nick and I are sometimes doing separate things). But we actually ended up feeling like we were able to work through the last few weddings just the two of us! (For reference, my last wedding was at 32 weeks pregnant – thankfully!).

3.      I ended my season early and took less weddings overall.

This may be a controversial one, and something that will be different from person to person depending on financial situations and prior obligations (weddings can sometimes be scheduled SO far in advance, it can be hard to plan so far ahead!). But for me, when I found out I was pregnant, I stopped taking any additional weddings for that current season. 14 was my number for the year, and I was happy with that at the time – and looking back, I am still happy that I decided to limit what I took, even if it meant a decrease in income. I’m also a senior, family, and portrait photographer, so I decided to supplement my income with more of those types of sessions (which were not nearly as hard on my pregnant body as a wedding day!).

In addition to taking less weddings, I ended my shooting season mid-November (typically I shoot through until mid-December) with my due date being mid-January. I wanted to have a month to finish up editing and administrative tasks before Christmas and New Year’s, with a bit of built in rest towards the end of my pregnancy. I am SO thankful I did decide to do that – after my last wedding in mid-November, my body was ready for a break!

4.     The day after each wedding, I gave my body time to rest.

Most photographers try to rest the day after a wedding anyways, but this was even MORE important to me to try to stick to while pregnant!

We are a part of a church plant that meets on Sundays, so we always have a 4-5 hour standing commitment on Sunday mornings/early afternoons that often involve setting up for service, serving, and tearing down. That commitment is extremely important to us, so even during wedding season, we don’t want to miss. However – I made sure that on the weekends I had weddings, I was able to sit in the service, not serve during it. And boy did my body, mind, and emotions need that time to recoup! Then, after our commitment, we would go home and crash and just relax. That was the best way for me to be able to still have that commitment and serve in a smaller capacity during this season!

I’d also love to share a few items that helped me get through those long wedding days.

 1.     Nutrient dense snacks with high protein

Our bodies need lots of nutrients to properly function on long days, but especially while pregnant. While I was pregnant, I learned that my body will always give my growing baby the nutrients it needs first, then I get what’s left. After I learned this, I started noticing how much what I ate affected how I felt, especially on wedding days when I was on my feet directing people for 10+ hours. I started intentionally trying to bring higher protein, nutrient dense snacks with me (nuts, cheese, vegetables, chicken chips, protein bars, etc.) on those long days and felt SO MUCH BETTER as I went throughout the day, and the day after.

2.     Drinks with extra electrolytes

Obviously, it’s important to drink lots of water when you’re pregnant – especially when you’re pregnant and on your feet! But early on in my wedding season, I started noticing that water wasn’t cutting it. I wasn’t able to drink enough on wedding days without constantly having to use the restroom, so I started drinking no sugar added propel on wedding days. I was able to drink a “normal” amount of beverage, stay a bit more hydrated, and, consequently, have a somewhat easier time recovering the following day.

3.     Belly support band

I ended up not using one of these until after my last wedding while pregnant, but boy was it LIFE CHANGING! That baby gets so heavy in your pelvis in your 8th and 9th months of pregnancy, and can cause all sorts of aches and pains. A belly support band would have been a must for me if I had any weddings or sessions past the 32 week mark. I highly recommend this one from Amazon!

4.     Supportive shoes

Such a simple thing that can make such a difference – make sure you have supportive shoes! Or, if you are really feeling the pain in your feet, bring a pair of tennis shoes to switch into at the reception. If you’re obviously pregnant, I don’t think anyone would fault you for it!

5.     Warm foot bath

One of the best gifts my husband got me (before I was pregnant!) was a portable foot bath. This was truly my saving grace after long wedding days while pregnant – I came home and soaked them every single time, and it helped reduce the extra swelling in my feet.


If you are a wedding photographer who is pregnant and will be working through wedding season, please be sure to talk to your doctor to make sure you both are on the same page. All of the tips and items listed here are recommendations from my personal experience, and while they might not be directly applicable to your situation, I do hope they help give you some confidence that you CAN do it!


Jenna & Nick's Christmas Maternity Photos in Harmony!

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Jenna & Nick's Christmas Maternity Photos in Harmony!

Who does a photographer call when they need photos taken?!

We have so many amazing photographers in the Pittsburgh area - so many of whom I would trust with taking photos for my family! But for this particular occasion, I opted to set my camera up and hand it it off to my sister-in-law to take a few quick photos of Nick and I to commemorate this season of ours!

I knew I wanted some photos around one of my favorite little towns - Historic Harmony - while it was all dressed up for Christmas! The Christmas season is one of our favorites, and it just so happens that I was at the 33 week mark when these were taken, which worked out perfectly! Before this, I didn’t have too much of a bump, so I was glad that we waited until my 8th month before taking these!

I was SO EXCITED to find the dress I had been envisioning for these photos at Madewell. Green is one of my favorite colors to wear, and such a lovely color for Christmas photos!

We had planned the day of our shoot a short while in advance, and sadly, it looked like it was going to be a complete wash out! But we decided to go for it anyways, and even though we had bouts of rain and lots of wind (hence my crazy hair in some of the photos 😂) we made it happen! And I’m so glad we did. I am so excited about how these turned out!

This was also a really great reminder of how my client(s) think and feel leading up to the day of their session(s). Getting your photo taken takes some vulnerability! Even as someone who photographs people for a living, I found myself getting a little nervous about how I would decide what to wear, what the weather would be like, and how the photos would end up turning out (and how I would look in those final photos - there’s a reason I enjoy being behind the camera!). But I was also reminded of how important, precious, and fleeting these seasons are that we choose to have photographed. The moment I saw these photos, they had already become so precious to me - even when I see my windy hair and remember the bouts of rain! It makes them even more memorable for us ❤️

Again, a HUGE thank you to my sister-in-law Alisha, who was willing to press the shutter button for us!

Also, if you’re someone who’s in need of some maternity photos, I would LOVE to take them for you! Please feel free to click here to get in contact, and click here to learn more about the maternity photography package that I offer!

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Personal Travels: Disney 2021


Personal Travels: Disney 2021

If you’ve been following along for a longer period of time, you might know that my husband and I love going to Disney, and every once in a while, I’ll bring my camera long to take some photos and stretch my creative muscles while I’m there! It’s fun to get to take photos without any pressure - just for the pure enjoyment of seeing and creating - something I don’t often give myself time to do.

And this is a blog post featuring one of those trips! This one comes WAY later - if you’re reading this when this blog was published (February 2022), this trip actually took place in February of 2021. If you’re a fan of Disney (and even if you’re not!) I hope you enjoy this little photo-story of our trip!

And for those of you two do love Disney… here are a few of my favorite details from this trip!

  • We stayed at POP Century Resort for the first time! It was on the cheaper side, which is why we went for it this time around. We always love staying “on campus” when we can for the convenience, and it was nice to have the Skyliner right there to use! We didn’t love the long walks. Pop Century is a HUGE resort, and our building was as far away from the Skyliner AND the cafeteria as you could get!

  • I am, admittedly, afraid of heights and the Skyliner was most definitely not my favorite thing - ha! But it was worth facing my fear for shortened journeys to and from various locations!

  • Raglan Road (Irish restaurant in Disney Springs) ended up being our favorite meal of the entire trip! They gave such good sized portions and the food was incredible!

  • My new favorite must go-to place is Gideon’s Bakehouse in Disney Springs! It’s a gourmet bakery with the BEST cookies I have ever eaten in my entire life… and the best buttercream icing, too! (You can buy buttercream to dip your cookies in… heaven! 😍). We ended up waiting in a six hour virtual cue line, then a one hour in person line just to get inside. But let me tell you, it was soooo worth it!

  • We were so excited to see the new French pavillion area in Epcot! The architecture was beyond beautiful.

Happy scrolling!


New Etsy Shop!


New Etsy Shop!

I’ll cut to the chase today: I’m excited to announce that I have *officially* opened a little Print/Digital Download and Design shop over on Etsy! (Click here to check it out!) This shop features a small variety of digital and physical products, including instant printable photo downloads, a few digital resources made specifically for photographers, and a white frame jewelry organizer! It’s a bit of a hodge podge of things - but what ties all of these items together is that they are all things I love: llamas, Disney, design, and organization. Oh my!

This is something I’ve been wanting to start up for a couple of years now, and, with being unable to take work due to the COVID-19 quarantine and restrictions, I felt that this would be the perfect time!

Like I mentioned above, this shop pays homage to a few of my favorite things - check some of my favorites out below! Or click here to check out my full Etsy shop!

“It’s Always Ice Cream Weather Here”

This photo was taken on the Disney Boardwalk in Orlando, Florida, right outside of the ice cream parlor there! This adorable little sign welcomes ice cream connoisseurs through its doors for a sweet treat in the midst of the heat!

Disney’s Boardwalk Resort Benches

I feel like this photo perfectly represents Disney’s Boardwalk Resort! These green and brown benches are iconic, with the Yacht Club across Crescent lake in the background.

White Frame Jewelry Holder (for Necklaces)

This subtle chic and sturdy necklace organizer holds up to 8 necklaces and is light enough to be hung on a wall by thumb tacks (but can be hung by nails, too). It features a subtle texture for simple visual interest.

The exterior of the frame measures 8" by 11" in size.

Right Down the Boardwalk

A classic view right down Disney’s Boardwalk Resort! Disney’s Boardwalk resort lies right between Epcot and Hollywood Studios, across the lake (Crescent Lake) from the Beach Club and Yacht Club.

Trinity Library in Dublin, Ireland

A portrait of the Trinity Library in Dublin, Ireland! I’ve always imagined this photo looking especially excellent in a beautiful office. I took this photo with a “tilt-shift” lens, which is what gifts the “miniature” affect of the books in this image!

Senior Experience & Style Guide Template (Digital Download)

I created this guide for my own business – to educate my senior clients, and to take any of the guess work out of our time together. This guide is meant to walk my clients through our time together, and to answer any questions they might have. And I have to say – it has been a complete GAME CHANGER for my business!

This magazine template is available as an instant download, and can be modified in InDesign (including the “older” versions of the software).

Llama Portrat

This might be one of my favorite photos I’ve ever taken! I’ve always loved llamas, and I just so happened to capture a photo of this little guy with his ears perked up!

disney home decor, disney decor, disney boardwalk resort, disney boardwalk photos, disney’s boardwalk resort, subtle disney home decor, disney boardwalk ice cream parlor, it’s always ice cream weather here sign, walt disney world, disney gifts, gift…

Lighthouse Through the Palm Trees

A unique view of Disney’s Yacht Club Lighthouse from between some palm trees! Disney’s Yacht Club sits right across from Disney’s Boardwalk Resort.

Beach & Field

A simple, neutral photo of a field swaying in the wind with a beach and sand in the background.

Disney’s Yacht Club Lighthouse

Another view of the Yacht Club lighthouse, just a little closer, on a cloudy day in Orlando, Florida!

Green Palms, Blue Sky

A set of four tall palm trees reaching into the blue sky on a bright, Orlando, Florida day.

Disney’s Boardwalk Resort

Another view of Disney’s Boardwalk Resort from across Crescent lake! Also included in this photo are some of the Boardwalk’s famous restaurants and entertainment spots, including Trattoria al Forno and the Boardwalk Bakery!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my shop, friends. It means so much!


Behind the Scenes: JHP Promo Video by Dorosh Documentaries


Behind the Scenes: JHP Promo Video by Dorosh Documentaries

Curious as to what you might experience at a photo session with JHP? Look no further than the video below, expertly captured by two of my videographer friends from Dorosh Documentaries! Click the play button below to check it out!

PS - Dorosh Documentaries films weddings, so if you’re in need of a wedding videographer, look no further than these two!


Orlando Vacation 2020 (Personal)


Orlando Vacation 2020 (Personal)

You know what the strange/weird/amazing thing is about vacation? In my life, God always, always uses it to teach me something. Which I find to be comical, considering that I struggle with actually taking vacation and rest without feeling guilty for doing so, or like I’m falling behind!

A few years ago, there was a series of events that took place on vacation to teach me a little (read: big) lesson about grace. This year, the theme that kept popping up while we were in Orlando was the idea of not being guilty for resting or taking time off of work, which, if I’m being honest, has been a HUGE struggle for me on past vacations.

But this vacation - it was a gift in so many ways. It was a gift to walk slow, just for the fun of walking, instead of having to walk with some sort of purpose.

It was a gift to take the photos below (well, except for the ones of me! 😉), just for the fun of being a photographer.

It was a gift to be able to do things just because they were fun to do.

It was a gift to give my mind a break from obsessing over the next task that could be done, or the next thing that could be improved.

I think the real question here is: how do we make time to do all of the things above not just on vacation, but in the midst of our every day lives? How do we make the time to enjoy wherever we are present (without worrying about the future), and find joy in doing things that are just… well… fun?

Truth be told, I don’t know the answer to that question. Sometimes, in my heart of hearts, it feels like the only way to be seen or recognized as “valuable” in our world today is to be admired for how much less rest we need compared to everyone around us - or for how much more we can do than everyone else.

But what a gift it is to press pause, to relax, and to come back stronger - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically - than before. It’s a gift to recognize each moment in each season for what it is - whether it’s a season of rest, or of hustle.

And below are a few of my favorite images from our time of rest 💛 Some images are from Disney’s Boardwalk Resort, Disney’s Polynesian Resort, the Yacht Club, Beach Club, and the rooftop Coca-Cola store at Disney Springs!


Understanding Your Driving Force & Basic Human Needs


Understanding Your Driving Force & Basic Human Needs

A few weeks ago, my dad texted me out of the blue about a personality test he had recently taken, called the “Human Needs Test.” And before you think not another one of those personality tests (or maybe that’s just me? 😉 ), let me tell you something: I’ve never in my life taken a test that pinpointed me so accurately as this one did.

 It might just be me, or just my results – but I was literally astounded when I finished the test and read my results. And this isn’t one of those super well known tests, either, like the Myers-Briggs (INFJ here!) or the Enneagram (type 3 here!), which was another reason why I was cynical. And yet, I would venture to say that I learned more about myself from the Human Needs Test than from both of those tests combined, possibly because it pinpointed an inner conflict of mine that I haven’t been able to nail down before!

 This test takes you through a series of 84 quick questions, designed to pinpoint your top two human needs (the needs that drive your decision making, or as their website says, the “needs that form the basis of every decision we make in life”) out of six: certainty, variety, significance, love & connection, growth, and contribution. Below is a quick explanation (directly from their website) that outlines each need:


·    Certainty – the need for safety, stability, security, comfort, order, predictability, control and consistency

·    Variety – the need for surprise, challenges, excitement, chaos, adventure and change

·    Significance – the need to have meaning, be special, take pride, be needed & wanted, have a sense of importance and worthy of love

·    Love & connection – the need for communication, to be unified, feel connected, intimate and loved by others

·    Growth – the need for constant emotional, intellectual and spiritual development

·    Contribution – the need to give beyond ourselves and to care, protect and serve others

With over 620 potential pairings from these six needs, you’re bound to get a pretty accurate “needs” profile! And mine was exactly that.


Out of the 620 possible combinations, my test results showed that my top two human needs that drive my decision making are: certainty and growth, with contribution coming in as a close third. Knowing myself and having taken lots of these personality tests before, this wasn’t too surprising to me… I didn’t necessarily again anything “new” from simply knowing my two top needs. But it’s the results of this combination that blew me away and helped me learn so much about myself! Here’s a small excerpt of my results:

Because your top need is for certainty and your second need is for growth, your inner conflict is that you want to feel comfortable, safe and secure. You need a predictable environment and you don’t want to take risks. Yet to grow, you need to put yourself out there, take risks, extend the limits of your comfort and stretch yourself. To satisfy your need for certainty, you prefer to avoid new people and new situations. To satisfy your need for growth you need to become involved with new people and new situations.  This inner conflict preoccupies you and makes it difficult for people to help you to satisfy your needs, since they don’t know whether certainty or growth are more important to you. One way you can resolve this dilemma is that you can always be certain that you can grow, because there are always new things to learn and new skills to be developed and the way to resolve your conflict is to satisfy your need for certainty by always growing. You might have difficulties at work if you don’t feel that you are growing and, at the same time, that you are in a comfortable, organized, predictable environment.”

“Since your top need is for certainty, you need to feel secure, safe and comfortable and you need to make sure that you will be secure, safe and comfortable in the future.  Avoiding pain is very important to you as well.  You can't be happy when you are uncertain about things.”

My first and third result (growth & contribution) explain exactly why I love writing blog posts like this (even though they might seem a bit random and out of place!).

But that last part above is really what got me: “You can’t be happy when you are uncertain about things.” I don’t think this necessarily means that I will never be happy when I’m feeling uncertain, but it’s just a lot harder for me to be happy when I’m uncertain about something. And that can be a problem, since life is literally FILLED with uncertainty.

To be honest, that part of my results kind of bothers me. I’ve always wondered why I tend to envy people who are willing to take risks without having 100% certainty… and now I realize that it’s because I value certainty above almost everything else.


What I think is the MOST interesting part about this test is how it applies to different areas of my life, like my marriage, friendships, and business.

Marriage? Easy! I’m certain about that, Nick and I are in it for the long haul – both of us. I don’t tend to worry as much when it comes to my marriage, since it’s something routine and stable.

Friendships? Maybe a bit trickier, since there’s nothing saying that someone has to stay your friend. They can get up and leave at any time they want! No wonder I’ve struggled with friendships – I tend to put people at an arm’s length if I feel like something is wrong in the relationship, because it feels uncertain and unstable.

Business? Possibly the trickiest out of the three. Maybe because I’m a small business owner who doesn’t necessarily know what jobs I’ll have in two months, six months, or two years. There’s a lot of uncertainty when it comes to bookings, and when it comes to things like locations and the types of clients I book, as well as the conditions I’ll be taking photos in. Will it rain? Will it snow? Will there be a huge wind storm?! (This might be especially true since I live in Pittsburgh - haha!)


You know what I REALLY find interesting, though? The fact that, even though we have these basic human needs that drive our decisions, that doesn’t mean we are controlled by them. It’s easy to take a test like this and put myself in a box of what I can and can’t do based on my results. If taken in an unhealthy way, these “needs” can quickly become excuses. 

From personal experience, I think it’s easy to compare something like this to the extrovert/introvert concept. Let me explain: I used to think things like, “because I’m an introvert, I can never/will never/could never ___________ (fill in the blank with every excuse an introvert could use).” I will never run a business. I could never direct a group of people (hello tipsy bridal parties!). I could never start a random conversation with a stranger. Interesting, though, how I am currently doing all of those things and more, even though I’m an introvert.

So what’s the final thought, after all of that rambling? If you decide to take this test – great! I hope you do, and I hope you find it helpful and that it teaches you a little something about yourself. But I hope you don’t use any part of your results as an excuse for whether you should or shouldn’t do something. Because when we start making excuses and saying things like “it’s just the way I am!” We lose in so many ways. We lose in our marriage, in our friendships, in our business, and ultimately in our lives.

If you decide to take this test, I’d love to hear your results, and if you think they’re true to who you are!

Thanks for reading, friends!


What an Online Clothing Store Taught Me About Giving Undeserved Grace


What an Online Clothing Store Taught Me About Giving Undeserved Grace

I’ve never been one to enjoy shopping for “formal wear,” but I didn’t realize how much I really despised it until May of 2018.

 You see, we were going out of town for my cousin’s wedding (as guests!) and I realized that I had absolutely NOTHING to wear (though my husband might say differently!). A few months prior, I had ordered a few things online that I ended up not loving, but a week before we were supposed to leave for the wedding, I realized that I should maybe get the show on the road!!

I pulled up one of my favorite clothing sites (Modcloth) and within ten minutes, found three dresses that I absolutely loved. I put them all in my cart, went to check out, and realized that, if I wanted my dressed to come on time, I should probably upgrade my shipping.

 I’m a bit of a penny pincher when it comes to online shopping, so I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I paid the $30 overnight shipping charge. I reasoned to myself (and my husband ;) ) that I deserved to feel confident at that wedding – so the $30 shipping charge, though annoying, would be worth it when my clothes made it on time!

Since I ordered my dresses on a Friday, they were set to arrive the next business day, on Monday. I waited alllllll weekend with GREAT anticipation, and when Monday finally rolled around, I couldn’t wait for the FedEx guy to deliver my greatly anticipated package! But for some reason – it never showed.

Feeling slightly frustrated, I emailed Modcloth and told them I had paid extra for overnight shipping, but that I hadn’t received my package. Immediately, they refunded my card with the full amount (they are an excellent company!) and they assured me that my package should be there by Tuesday, at the very latest. And so, I waited.

On Tuesday, as SOON as I received an email that my package had been delivered, I raced downstairs, flung open the door – only to find that my porch was, in fact, empty. Confused, I walked outside, looking on our front stairs, on the side walk, and on my neighbor’s stoops, wondering if the package had been mistakenly delivered to someone nearby. Starting to feel a bit of anxiety over the whole situation, I called FedEx – who told me that my package had been delivered. I assured them that it had in fact not been delivered, and the confused employee said he would do a little digging to see what was going on.

The next day (Wednesday – two days before we had to leave!!!) I received a call – my package had, in fact, been delivered, but they weren’t sure to whom it had been delivered. OF COURSE this would happen! I remember thinking to myself. The one time I pay extra for shipping and I NEED something to arrive by a specific time!! The FedEx employee assured me that he would do everything in his power to make sure I received my lost package by the time I left for the wedding. I never heard from him again.

I was SO frustrated by this point. All I could think was: why me?! Why would this happen to me, the girl who HATES shopping for formal clothes, who has nothing to wear to this upscale wedding?!

Right in that moment, I felt a twinge of guilt. I was only thinking about myself in all of this, and I was letting it affect my work (which, as you might be able to imagine, was NOT getting done), my attitude towards my husband (who was being SO patient with me while I threw angry and short responses towards his kind and helpful words), and my general demeanor, which was incredibly poor. I had let something so small and SO out of control, well - control me.

After realizing this, I decided that it didn’t really matter if the package made it. What mattered was my attitude in this situation. Obviously, my heart needs a little bit of work. I decided that I would give one last attempt at tracking down this package, and if it didn’t work out, I would accept it, graciously – so I reached out to Modcloth directly. I told them the whole situation, knowing full well (and reiterating to them again and again) that none of it was their fault. They were able to control FedEx as much as I was! But I figured, the best thing I could do was ask to see if they had a solution that I couldn’t think of. The worst that could happen was a bit “no” – but at least I would know I tried!

Who might need a little undeserved grace from you today?

After they heard my story, the incredibly kind voice on the other line told me that they would overnight a new package to me, free of charge, with everything I had previously purchased. My jaw basically dropped to the floor. I couldn’t believe their outrageous kindness! It wasn’t their fault my package had been lost, but they went over and above to make sure that I would receive exactly what I ordered exactly when I needed it.

I’m happy to report that my package arrived the day before we left for vacation (woo hoo!), and yes, I was able to wear one of those dresses to my cousin’s wedding! But what REALLY floored me was the fact that Modcloth refunded every dollar of my purchase. And friends – this wasn’t a 20, 50, or even a 100 dollar order. This was a BIG “let me buy all of these things and I’ll return the ones I don’t want!” order. But Modcloth went above and beyond for me. They didn’t just refund my shipping, or ship me a new order – they completely refunded me for the inconvenience and gave me something I in NO WAY deserved. And they didn’t deserve to have to pay for someone else’s mistake. They gave me grace in my time of need.

 If you’ve been following along with some of my personal posts on the blog, you might see a theme throughout some of my posts – grace. And grace just so happens to be the word I chose to focus on in 2018 (now extending into 2019!), because Lord knows I need more of it for myself and for others.

And you know what God’s been doing? POURING grace out over me in SO many ways and in SO many lessons. I learned a big lesson about grace earlier in 2018 in a HUGE way at Disney’s Boardwalk with my husband (read that post here!) and I learned about it again when I realized what Modcloth had done for me - so undeserved. I’m finding that the more I experience those moments of grace, especially when I least deserve it, the easier it is to give it to other people – and easier to give it to myself.

Who might need a little undeserved grace from you today? Your child? Your parent? Your boss? Yourself? I don’t think grace is something we can ever give enough of or have enough of. And the good news is - if you know the source of grace - you never have to worry about having to do it in your own strength.

“But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.” - Ephesians 4:7
